Good Morning Canada

Good Morning Canada

We are proud today to announce the launch of The Nap Store.

We started The Nap Store because, like many fellow Canadians we've talked to, we have often found the online shopping experience in our country lacking somehow.

Too many times we've been uninspired by big box retailers, burned by a low-quality product off Amazon, or been stuck paying duties after ordering something from the US.

Our mission is to provide a 100% Canadian online shopping experience. 

We are a family-run business based in Montreal. We sell products that ship from Canada. And many of our products are design or made here too, from all across the country. There is a huge variety of excellent young Canadian brands making high-quality products, and we want to bring them together here under one roof.

So, why naps?

We are a sleep-deprived society. According to this StatCan report about a third of us don't get enough sleep at night. Around half of us suffer from sleep quality troubles. And about third of us have trouble staying awake during the day. And it's only getting worse.

No wonder we like coffee so much in this country!

Poor sleep is bad for our health. It's bad for our relationships. It's bad for our careers and safety. Poor sleep is so bad for us, and so widespread, that sleep experts like Matthew Walker, author of New York Times Bestseller "Why We Sleep", are calling it a catastrophic epidemic. Phew!

As busy working professionals with young children, we understand the value of sleep for the whole family. We've had our share of sleepless nights and rough days.

Experts say that naps aren't a replacement for a good night's sleep, or for a solid sleep hygiene regime. But damn if they don't feel great! Plus when you are tired, naps can make you more alert and improve performance on whatever task you have to do today.

Of course getting a good nap or sleep isn't always easy, for many reasons. But there are a lot of great products that can help you get more comfortable and relaxed for a snooze, and you can find many of them right here at The Nap Store.

We hope you enjoy shopping our store and we look forward to helping you get a better rest.

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